We’re getting ready for Docent Recruitment Day here at the Museum and we’re trying to get everyone interested! Anyone can be a docent – we have all types of people serving on our docent staff - young, old, teachers, doctors, artists and art lovers. All that’s needed is a passion for the arts and for sharing what you care about!
Docents are an integral part of the Museum staff because they volunteer their time to give informative tours of the Museum to our guests. The word “docent” comes from the Latin “docere,” which means, “to teach.” But don’t be intimidated! Being a docent is easy because you get all the training you need before you start your tours. You don’t need any teaching experience or even any prior knowledge of art before you start, just a willingness to absorb what you learn from training.
Docent training session
If you take the time to talk to any of our docents, most will tell you the experience has been the most rewarding and gratifying of all their volunteering endeavors. In addition to the fun of leading tours, docents also have the opportunity to meet artists, Museum staff and visit local artists’ studios and cultural attractions. Not to mention, you will gain great friendships with your fellow docents, who throw a fun holiday party every winter.
Although the public speaking aspect makes many volunteers nervous in the beginning, they find they are comfortable in the role and thoroughly enjoy the interaction.
Docents are only expected to attend Monday morning trainings two to three times each month and commit to leading tours approximately once each week during the school year. The trainings are extremely thorough and are created to teach docents all they need to know about each exhibition.
Docents are the Museum’s gateway to engaging with our guests personally and connecting them with the Museum and the art itself. If you think this is the perfect role for you, we would love to see you at our Docent Recruitment Day Monday, September 2010 at 10:00 a.m. There will be tasty snacks and more information about being a docent.
You can also talk to Nancy Sokolove, our Adult Programs Manager about this opportunity by calling 828.253.3227, ext 120 or e-mailing nsokolove@ashevilleart.org.