Friday, June 25, 2010

Inside Scoop: Summer Happenings

I’m here to update you on all the crazy happenings around the museum! Our biggest fundraiser in three years, the Seventh Asheville Wine Auction and Dinner Gala was a huge success! The venue was gorgeous and we had a great turn out making for an awesome, fun-filled night. We are still in the midst of crunching the numbers to find out the final word, but we are thankful for all the people who came out and supported us as well as for the staff at Togar Rugs for hosting us! It was definitely an enchanting evening!

the museum staff!

The interns representin!

But the summer is just beginning! We have a packed calendar for the month of July, starting with an ARTmob event called Summer Soiree. On July 2 we will be taking over the top level of the parking deck to party the evening away. I hear there will be some delicious food, (a taco buffet?), beer, lots of RC Cola, sidewalk chalk murals, crazy awesome entertainment AND a great view of the fireworks! I think we’ve covered everything to make for some extreme fun. EVERYONE invited!

And don’t forget about the Big Crafty and Family Art pARTy on July 11. Featuring over 100 artists and crafters, the Big Crafty is voted Asheville’s favorite indie craft fair and is hosted in Pack Place. This is a really great event and opportunity for us to support local hand-made commerce and also snag some really unique and fun gifts. There will be local fare, beer and entertainment to go along with it. And on the same day you can enjoy making some hands-on crafts with the whole family.

We’ve also got a film screening of Chuck Close, more Art Camps, Yoga @ the Museum and a Pianoforte Concert with Douglas Weeks! Whew. Now, we have enough events to fill an entire month and I’m sure you’ll make it to all of them, right? :)

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