Monday, May 10, 2010


Had to share this one with you!

Last week was Rowena Bradley's basket. This week is Tim Barnwell's photograph of Rowena Bradley (with baskets). Look down at her feet...

Exploring the Permanent Collection with a Work of the Week

THIS WEEK: May 10 - 16, 2010


Tim Barnwell, Rowena Bradley Making Double Weave Rivercane Baskets,

1991, black and white silver gelatin print, 14 x 11 inches. 2009 Art Nouveaux Purchase. Asheville Art Museum Collection. 2010.01.02.91.

Tim Barnwell is well-known in the region for his photographs of Western North Carolina's rich and unique cultural heritage. Through his professional and striking photographs, he has documented some of this area's strong characters, fascinating crafts and unprecedented artistic and musical history. His work both reflects great artistic talent and documents the talent of others. It is greatly understood that the Western North Carolina area has a cultural heritage uniquely it's own, and Tim Barnwell effectively showcases this heritage to the world through his incredible talent as a photographer.

In the Holden Community Gallery, the Museum has organized a new exhibition on Tim Barnwell, Hands in Harmony: Traditional Crafts and Music in Appalachia, Photographs by Tim Barnwell; it is a photographic exploration of the makers of Appalachian folk music and traditional handcrafts. This photo, Rowena Bradley Making Double Weave Rivercane Baskets, is part of the show. It was purchased last year by the Museum's collecting group, Art Nouveaux, in preparation for this show. Rowena Bradley was a Cherokee basket weaver; at one point she was one of only a handful of double weave rivercane weavers, and during her lifetime, she helped to revive interest in Cherokee basketry, effectively insuring that knowledge of this craft would live on in future generations. Reflective of many of the Museum's goals in collecting Cherokee art and contemporary photographs and cataloging regional heritage, the Museum's Permanent Collection contains three Barnwell photographs and two Rowena Bradley baskets. Last week's Work of the Week discussed Bradley's Double Weave Lidded Basket in the collection.

THIS FRIDAY, MAY 14th is the opening for the exhibition of Tim Barnwell's photographs at the Museum. Come discuss the work with him!

For more information on Tim Barnwell and his photograph Rowena Bradley Making Double Weave Rivercane Baskets, visit it in our Permanent Collection online!

For more information on Rowena Bradley and her basket Double Weave Lidded Basket, visit it here in our Permanent Collection online!

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