Thursday, May 27, 2010

Inside Scoop - An Intern's Perspective

Hello there! It’s your Asheville Art Museum summer intern, DeeAnna. I specialize in all things social media – and lots more in between. I’m checking up on events and quietly eavesdropping on the happenings inside the museum and will be giving you the insider’s scoop all summer long – from an intern’s perspective

When I started last week, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Stuffy office and pants suits? Or wildly enthusiastic and out-of-touch art lovers? My preconceptions were highly misguided by my thoughts that workers and guests at an art museum would be snobby or pretentious. Now I chuckle at the thought. HELLO! This is the Asheville Art Museum – a collection of unique people and art tucked away in only one of the coolest cities in the nation!

So here I am, happily getting to know the museum staff as they buzz around working endlessly to make this place a beautiful success! There was even deliciously rich chocolate cake at my first staff meeting, which is a fabulous way to begin any relationship. :)

Not to mention we have some awesome events going on all summer! Just check out the event calendar on our Web site! (And if you miss them, you will hear about them ad nauseum on this blog or see so many fun pictures that you are forced to join in!)

I will keep you updated as we go along and hope you are as excited for summer as we are!

Next event is Friday May 28: Art Break: Historic Preservation Month. I can’t wait to learn more about the museum history and the importance of preserving things from the past!

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