A Staff Craft brought to you by the Asheville Art Museum
First, as scary as it sounds, decoupage is actually very, very easy. It took me a staff craft to learn this. Fittingly similar to mosaics (with glue, not grout), you can really decoupage anything. My coworkers did pots for plants, boxes, and trays. I did some covers for a book I am making; my decoupaged bookboard will become the covers of a new journal.

Here it is- how to decoupage...
Required ingredients:
- something to decoupage. If you don’t already have something around the house try the thrift store, dollar store, or big lots (you probably have something around the house). Pots for house plants, washed out aluminum cans, old picture frames under the bed, etc.
- decorative papers (or any papers really)- look in magazines, family photo albums, newspapers, catalogs sent to you and you don't know why...(it is better than recycling- or even worse, throwing them in the trash)
- scissors- (or you can just tear if you want that rustic edge look- or if you lost all the scissors in your house..)
- mod podge (good decoupage glue) and probably a paint brush for spreading glue.