Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another week has passed

So another week has passed and summer seems to have finally arrived in AVL... and the museum. What have we all been up too?? What exciting things have been happening at your Art Museum??? Well, let me fill you in.

Our newest exhibition: Tradition and Innovation American Masterpieces of Southern Craft and Traditional Art had it's opening May 22. This was the first of many openings I will attend this summer. Having a chance to speak with the artists I got an insiders view into the art and the vision behind it. My favorite piece: the Mardi Gras Indian costume. Something definitely worth checking out for those who couldn't make it.

Last Thursday the Asheville Art Museum got their drink (and read) on. From 5-8 Battery Park Book Exchange was kind enough to host a Museum Night. 50% of the evening's proceeds went to benefit the Museum! People from all over showed up to support the museum. Home baked goodies were provided and overall everyone enjoyed themselves. A few even had a book to go home with.

Yoga at the Museum began this past Monday. As a newbie at yoga, I was a bit timid to go into this class. Though, I was assured it was a beginner level, not having the best of balance I was a bit uneasy about stretching so close to art. Luckily I made it through the class without breaking anything (myself included). Yoga classes will continue every Monday through the month of June.

And finally, we have received our raffle tickets and have begun the process of distributing them! For those who haven't seen the prizes offered you must check them out ASAP! (Though, I find that hard to believe as I have plastered the town with posters).

So, as you can see we are still hard at work at the museum. Feel like your missing out? This next week we have some more events coming up including an Art Break for Tradition and Innovation on June 12 from 12:00-1:00 PM. Luckily I have the Internet on lockdown, constantly updating you on events. So, if you have the following be sure to look for us: Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and Flickr.

Until next week, this is your Asheville Art Museum Intern signing out.

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