Bloggers, I would like to take you back in time. Back to a time when life was simple. Back when cable was the new digital, the Volkswagen Beetle had just arrived and there was no rumor of closing, President Harry S. Truman had just begun a full term, and rather than T-Pain, Some Enchanted Evening was ringing through the airwaves. The year is 1949, and though much has changed since that time one establishment has seen its way through... okay, maybe a few more than one... but the most important one: The Asheville Art Museum. That's right, we have now been around for over 60 years; from 1949 to 2009. For over 60 years the museum has provided the Asheville community with incredible art and both creative and educational outlets. We have seen our fare share of changes; moving from location to location, and yet, here we are, still as strong as the beginning.
To celebrate this anniversary we are having a party. We invite everyone who has supported, appreciated, and loved this museum. From our humble beginnings to our exciting future. We are only as strong as the community around us, so I hope that everyone will come out to the Orange Peel on Saturday and show your support. Dancing, will obviously commence, along with live painters and performance artists, and beer and sangria will flow almost as free as the the band. I'm positive everyone will enjoy themselves. (There is even a rumor that both Frida Kahlo, and Salvador Dali will be there!) So, if you haven't bought your tickets do so now (www.theorangepeel.net)and I will see you on Saturday- you can find me on the dance floor!
**Pictured above is one of the original buildings on Pearson Drive**