Friday, February 27, 2009

Paul Bonesteel Delved Into the Mysteries of George Masa

Paul Bonesteel's lecture, George Masa: Enduring Photos, Enduring Mysteries, brought out the detective in the intrigued audience. Masa was such an extraordinary photographer and interesting man, yet his life is still shrouded in mystery. Bonesteel has directed the film "The Mystery of George Masa" which looks into the life of this unique photographer. The film will be screened March 14 + 15 at 2:00 p.m. each day at the Museum. You also have a chance to walk in the footsteps of Masa on a photography hike with John Dickson who will lead us on an easy hike through Pisgah Forest or on the Blue Ridge Parkway and teach us how to capture the mountain landscape.

has led many such hikes but this is the first for the Asheville Art Museum. Bring your camera and hiking shoes, and emergency rain gear and a snack. Cost is $10 for Asheville Art Museum Members, $15 for non-Members. Space is limited; advance registration is required. To register, please contact Nancy Sokolove, Adult Programs Manager, at 828.253.3227, ext. 120 or

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