Friday, September 12, 2008

Spiegelman rocked!!

Last night's talk by Art Spiegelman, History of Comix 101, captivated the crowd and gave us a whole new perspective on comics and the graphic novel! Spiegelman described comics in new ways discussing the link to architecture and showing the progression of comics over the years. What a powerful medium comics are! And Spiegelman even gave a shout out to The Eight, the group of artists of which Asheville Art Museum is opening an exhibition with a reception on Saturday at 5:00 p.m. He is a fan of this groundbreaking group.

An audience member, Carol Lawrence, said: "What a pleasure it was to hear Art Spiegelman and think about comics in new, intriguing ways."

Thank you, Art Spiegelman, for a great night of comics!!

Photos from Art Spiegelman: History of Comix 101:

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