Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Last weekend

This past weekend was an exciting one at the Asheville Art Museum. Friday was the opening of John Baeder's new exhibition Pleasant Journeys and Good Eats Along the Way: A Retrospective of Paintings by John Baeder. Sliders, mashed potatoes, cheese sandwiches, and other fun diner foods were served alongside red and white checked tables to create a homey diner atmosphere. Baeder was excited to talk about specific works with visitors, expressing the nostalgia he experiences when looking at his own works, for each painting embodies its own unique story.

Programs throughout the rest of the weekend helped to celebrate the exhibition further. A PBS documentary, Sandwiches That You Will Like, was screened on Saturday and Sunday at the Museum, sending viewers on a journey across America in search of the best in sandwich cuisine and inciting a desire for good savory food. Sunday was the Asheville Art Museum’s popular annual concert with pianist John Cobb at Diana Wortham Theatre, where slides from the Baeder exhibition were projected during a performance of compositions by Samuel Barber and Aaron Copland.

Come out to the Museum to see this delicious exhibition and pick up a map of diners in the surrounding area to personalize your diner experience. Tell us what you thought of these events and visit the Asheville Art Museum's website for information on more diner related programs.

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